Trouble Wearing CLs?

Have you been told you can’t wear contacts lenses? We can help!

Below are potential reasons why you may have had trouble wearing contacts and how making an appointment at Family Vision Care Center can address these to get you back to wearing contacts, comfortably!

Lenses become uncomfortable after only a few hours of wear? Constantly using rewetting drops? Do you take out yours lenses immediately when you get home? Many ocular surface disorders can make contact lens wear very uncomfortable and symptoms of dryness can be exacerbated with contact lens.

Dry eye is one of the biggest reason’s patients stop wearing contact lenses. Before refitting you, we need to address your symptoms of dryness and irritation. There are different types of dry eye disease and we need to develop a treatment approach tailored to your eyes before you start wearing contact lenses again.

Soft contact lens materials continue to improve. Materials are now available that retain more moisture in the lenses to help with symptoms of dryness.

Other patients will be better suited in scleral lenses. Scleral lenses are a larger rigid gas permeable lens that is filled with a saline solution and covers the entire cornea. This fluid bathes the eye in a saline solution throughout the day, allowing you to see comfortably all day long.


Some patients seem to develop allergies when wearing their contacts that are not experienced with normal spectacle wear. Most of the time, these allergies are a response to the contact lens material or build up from proteins that deposit on the lenses from our own tears.

Refitting you to a daily disposable lens means you are putting a fresh set of contact lenses in your eyes each morning. This prevents build up from both environmental factors and proteins present in our tears that accumulate on your lens overtime.

Other patients benefit from a rigid gas permeable lens. This lens material is less likely to accumulate build up and deposits from normal daily wear.

Similar to dry eye or other ocular surface diseases, we may need to develop a treatment plan tailored for your eyes to decrease your signs/symptoms of allergies prior to refitting you in contacts.


Prescription too high or large amount of astigmatism

Commercially available soft contact lenses continue to expand their parameters to meet the needs of higher/more unique prescriptions.

Custom soft contact lenses can be ordered to fit an even larger array of prescriptions if commercial lenses are unavailable in your prescription.

Need for reading glasses

With multifocal contacts, we are able to correct both distance and reading prescriptions and eliminate dependence for reading glasses over contact lenses. Multifocal lenses have an array of distance, computer, and reading power built in to your contact lens.

Other patients find more success in monovision contacts, where we fit your dominant eye with a distance contact lens and your non-dominant eye with a contact lens more tailored towards near work.

Corneal Disease (Keratoconus, Pellucid Marginal Degeneration) or Post LASIK complications

Certain corneal diseases/conditions may limit your vision with traditional spectacles

It is very common that patients with keratoconus or other corneal diseases are able to see much better with contact lenses custom designed for their corneas compared to glasses. With these corneal diseases, the front surface of the eye tends to have large amounts of irregularity that glasses are unable to correct for.

By designing custom contact lenses that have the ability to mask corneal irregularity common with many corneal diseases, we are ultimately able to improve vision more effectively than with traditional glasses.

After some refractive surgery procedures (LASIK, PRK, RK), the eye now has a unique shape were commercially available contact lenses will not fit your eye properly. In these cases, we are happy to explore both custom soft and rigid gas permeable lenses to fit your eye.



A contact lens fitting is a separate part of a comprehensive eye examination and requires additional testing that is not a covered benefit of your insurance. The fee is determined by the type of lenses that are deemed appropriate for you and your vision needs. Contact lens fees are non-refundable.